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SINGLER. RESTEPAKKE NR 11 10 ,- Solgt 13 år sedan På salg i 284 dager |
td.n_ThNailCenter, .n_TabCenter_chan1 { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; height: 70px; background-image: none !important; text-decoration: underline;}.n_AucInfo1 { color: #000; padding: 45px; background-image: url(http://images.qxlricardo.com/ImgWeb/20/templates/left_top_corner.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; font-weight: bold; }.n_ThNailDesc { background-color: #C3D7EB; border-top: 1px solid #bbbbbb; color: #FF6000; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; height: 22px; padding-left: 15px; white-space: nowrap}td.n_TabRight_chan1 {background-image: none;}td.n_TabLeft_chan1 {background-image: url(http://images.qxlricardo.com/ImgWeb/20/templates/blink.png);height:26px;width:84px;}.n_MainTitCenter_chan1 {background-color: #6483AC;white-space:nowrap;font-size:12px;font-weight:700;}.n_MainTitLeft_chan1 {background-color: #6483AC;height:26px;width:6px;}.n_MainTitRight_chan1 {background-color: #6483AC;height:26px;width:6px;}td.n_Photo{background-color: #C3D7EB;padding: 8px;}td.n_PhotoMax {border: 1px solid #FFFFFF;}ZWOL SINGLE NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK CITYKURT MARIN TWO PAIRS OF SHOES FOREIGN LANDCLIFF RICHARD LOVE AND A HELPING HAND YOU ME AND JESUSBONNIE TYLER FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF NIGHT GONNA GET-BETTERMEZZOFORTE SPRING FEVER SUMMER DREAMSHAKIN' STEVENS DON'T BE LATE I'LL BE SATISFIEDROD STEWART BABY JANE READY NOWBILLY JOEL SAY GOODBYE TO HOLLYWOOD SUMMER HIGHLAND FALLSJASON & KYLIE ALL I WANNA DO IS MAKE YOU MINE ESPECIALLY FOR YOUROSSINI DER BARBIER VON SEVILLA LA TRAVIATA CLIFF RIICHARD/OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN SUDDENLY YOU MADE ME LOVE YOUGLEN CAMPELL SOUTHERN NIGHTS WILLIAM TELL OUVERTUREDUANE LOKEN HEART ON FIRE SHE'S SWEET SHE' SOMEBODY ANDY GIBB ALL I HAVE TO DO IS DREAM GOOD FEELINGDIANA ROSS LOVE HANGOVER LOVE HANGOVERJACKSONS 2300 JACKSON STREET WHEN I LOOK AT YOUSHAKIN' STEVENS GIVE ME YOUR HEART TONIGHT THINKIN' OF YOUPHIL COLLINS AND MARILYN MARTIN SEPERATE LIVES I DON'T WANNA KNOWBARRY WHITE IT'S ALL ABOUT LOVE PASSIONJOHNNY LOGAN GIVE A LITTLE BIT MORE SWEET LADYAkutt plassmangel gjør at jeg (med tungt hjerte) må slanke vinylsamlingen min. Nå står singelplatene for tur. Alle platene holder jevnt over god kvalitet. Noen ligger i originalt fotocover, andre ligger i nøytrale papir eller plastcover. Løse plater er merket i auksjonen "Uten cover". Enkelte cover kan ha litt kantslitasje. Uansett; Om du ikke er fornøyd med handelen, får du pengene tilbake. Det er mulig at du må ta en runde med støvkluten, da enkelte av platene har vært lagret i mange år. Om du kun ønsker enkelte titler løser vi det ved at du legger inn bud på auksjonen. Platene plukkes ut før sending. Du betaler vinnerbudet. Legg inn bud ut fra foto og sunn fornuft. LYKKE TIL ?? |
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Law and Order: The Sixth Year 50 ,- Solgt 13 år sedan På salg i 281 dager |
Selger denne DVD boxen som ny på sone 1 DVD, import fra USA. The beauty of the Law & Order franchise is its ability to capitalize on its revolving cast of characters. The sixth season of Law & Order introduces viewers to a new detective and kills off another series favorite. There's also a seamless crossover episode with Homicide: Life on the Street and a compelling season finale that gives insight into how the main characters deal with tragedy. The 23 episodes featured in the five-disc set originally aired during thetelevision season. Aside from a few style issues--and the lack of cell phones--the episodes hold up well today. After the departure of Detective Mike Logan (Chris Noth) at the end of last season, Lennie Briscoe (Jerry Orbach) gets a new partner. Rey Curtis (Benjamin Bratt) is a by-the-book do-gooder. A devoted husband and father, Rey sees things in black and white, while Lennie views things in shades of grey. It isn't until he helps send a man to the electric chair that Rey struggles with his own sense of morality. Though Lennie teases Rey for his youth and model-perfect good looks, the two work well together as they tackle cases involving an au pair charged with killing a baby, a racist serial killer targeting African Americans, and a rapist who may be released due to a technicality. Sam Waterson and Jill Hennessy return as attorneys Jack McCoy and Claire Kincaid. Under the watchful eye of their cantankerous boss Adam Schiff (Steven Hill), the pair are expected to keep criminals at bay, even when the evidence seems to be working against them. Hill is perfect in his role, ordering deals, demanding justice, and laying out non-PC justice. He delivers priceless lines to Jack, such as, "You have the victim and a confession. Munoz has crawled halfway out of the hole we dug for him 30 years ago. You hit him with the shovel before he crawls all the way out." Guest stars include Patti LuPone as a charming defense attorney, Kim Raver as a working mom whose baby is murdered, Amanda Peet as a Patty Hearst-type kidnap victim, and Jennifer Garner as a flirtatious graduate student who tempts a married man. Don't miss the last five minutes of the season finale. Without saying a word, Orbach conveys all the emotions of a guilt-ridden man. --Jae-Ha Kim Product Details Actors: Jerry Orbach, Jesse L. Martin, Benjamin Bratt, Steven Zirnkilton, S. Epatha Merkerson Writers: David Streever, Dick Wolf, Nancy Miller Producers: Morgan Gendel, Peter Giuliano Format: Box set, Color, Dolby, DVD, Subtitled, Widescreen, NTSC Language: English Subtitles: English, Spanish Region: Region 1 Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 Number of discs: 5 Rated: Unrated Studio: Universal Studios DVD Release Date: December 2,Run Time: 1080 minutes Se flere gjenstander fra denne selgeren |