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Solgt Magic samling selges rundt 600 kort. MANGE rare
1 500 ,-

13 år sedan

På salg i 382 dager
Selger en magic samling som består av 6 dekker, 2 permer og 2 ice age tournement pack. til sammen er det rundt 600 kort, hvor mange er rare. med priser tatt ifra www.anycraze.com har alle kortene, utenom de kortene som er i tournement packene, en verdi på 973$. som med dagens valuta(21.05.10), tilsvarer 6299,68 norske kroner. PS: tournement packene inneholder tilsammen rundt 60 kort i uncommen og commen i merket ice age pakkene er åpnet. alle kortene fremstår som: som ny. UNNTATT: Last Stand og x1 Blinding Angel som fremstår som brukt. Liste over kortene i permene og dekkene: I permene er ca 9.5/10 rare. I dekkene kommer først rare, uncommen så commen. Så kommer evnt. rare land før vanlige land F betyr foil Perm 1: x3 leveler mirrodin (1 F) krosan beast odyssey door to nothingness fifth dawn x2 fireshrieker mirrodin master warcraft ravnica seraph ice age swirl the mists champions standardize onslaught vexing shusher shadowmoor celstial dawn time spiral three dreams ravnica vexing sphinx coldsnap temporal cascade mirrodin empyrial plate mirrodin erayo, soratami ascendant saviors trade secrets onslaught x2 pentavus mirrodin worldheart phoenix conflux beast of burden 9th confiscate 7th asmira, holy avenger mirage mana short revised spellbinder darksteel ursapine ravnica lhurgoyf ice age & 8th primeval force 8th distorting lens 8th salvaging station fifth dawn vexing arcanix ice age planeswalker's mischief planeshift angry mob 4th feral throwback legions pillar of the paruns dissension deflection 8th tower of murmurs mirrodin erhnam djinn judgment phyrexian etchings coldsnap granulate fifth dawn temporal extortion planar chaos spreading plague invasion ben-ben, akki hermit champions yavimaya's embrace tundra wolves 5th x2 ornithopter 9th ornithopter mirrodin he who hungers champions tower of eons mirrodin phantom nishoba judgment stone-tongue basilisk odyssey emperor crocodille 9th shivan wumpus planar chaos mana vault 4th golgari grave-troll ravnica uba mask champions crystal quarry odyssey magma giant fifth dawn junkyo bell champions flickerform ravnica cloudstone curio ravnica fatal frenzy planar chaos F ray of erasure ice age x4 dark ritual clone onslaught light of sanction ravnica yavimaya coast 10th vizzerdrix 8th entangler prophecy ice cauldron ice age ivy elemental odyssey steelshaper's gift fifth dawn summoner's egg fifth dawn hunting moa time spiral amored guardian invasion x4 sunscae familiar Perm 2: augury adept shadowmoor F niv-mizzet, the firemind x2 groundbreaker planar chaos groundbreaker planar chaos F jeska, warrior adept judgment undying flames saviors x3 undead gladiator onslaught x2 general jarkeld ice age fatespinner mirrodin F plague boiler ravnica privileged position ravnica firemane angel ravnica Ffiremane angel ravnica spoils of war ice age razia, boros archangel ravnica harsh mercy onslaught empty the catacombs ravnica hystrodon onslaught F sunforger ravnica x2 kjeldoran royal guard ice age flame fusillade ravnica savor the moment shadowmoor defender of the order legions dream leash ravnica last stand apocolypse parallel evolution torment F vedalken orrery fifth dawn teeka's dragon mirage winter's chill ice age vampiric dragon odyssey hunting grounds judgment scaled wurm ice age journeyer's kite champions blessed reversal 8th nefashu sourge early harvest 9th spike tiller timespiral mephidross vampire fifth dawn wheel of sun and moon shadowmoor magus of the jar timespiral polluted bonds shadowmoor twilight sheperd shadowmoor natural affinity 8th copy enchantment ravnica squirrel farm unglued x2 followed footsteps ravnica eladamri's call planeshift resurrection time spiral x3 long-forgotten gohei champions dark confidant ravnica rebuking ceremony darksteel uyo, silent prophet champions blazing shoal betrayers cloudstone curio ravnica hymn of rebirth ice age master healer 7th stream of life 4th boggart mob lorwyn sins of the past ravnica gilt-leaf palace lorwyn secluded glen lorwyn szadek, lord of secrest ravnica soul collector scourge grim reminder mirrodin circu, dimir lobotomist ravnica cairn wanderer lorwyn gleemax unhinged forced fruition lorwyn x3 vermiculos mirrodin student of elements champions hypergenesis time spiral x4 stormscape familiar planeshift spawnbroker ravnica x3 arrest mirrodin x2 pacifism onslaught Dekk 1. (Fremstår som ikke ferdi. uten land) x4 stifle scourge x1 door to nothingness fifth dawn x2 phyrexian dreadnought mirage x2 hunted phantasm ravnica x3 sculpting steel mirrodin x4 merchant scroll 8th x4 fabricate mirrodin x4 composite golem fifth dawn x4 isochron scepter mirrodin x3 dream's grip mirrodin x3 trinket mage fifth dawn x4 welding jar mirrodinx2 academy ruins time spiral Dekk 2: x2 chandra nalaar lorwyn x2 azusa, lost but seeking champions x3 crucible of words 10th crucible of worlds fifth dawn x4 nightscape master invasion x4 impending disaster u legacy dark ritual ice age dark ritual mirage dark ritual mercadian masques dark ritual revised x4 thunderscape familiar planeshift x2 lava axe 7th lava axe 8th x4 rend flesh champions x4 terminate planeshift x4 nightscape familiar planeshift x4 lotus petal tempest x2 darkwater catacombs odyssey karplusan forest ice age gemstone caverns time spiral mountain x1 ravnica x2 mirage x2 ice age x1 snow coveredswamp x6 ice agex1 snow covered dekk 3: riptide director legions x4 dream chisel onslaught x2 raven guild master scourge x2 archivist 8th archivist 9th riptide entrancer onslaught voidmage prodigy timespiral supreme inquisitor onslaught x4 nameless one onslaught x3 information dealer onslaught x4 echo tracer legions x2 crafty pathmage onslaught x4 ixidor's will onslaught x2 mana leak 9th x3 voidmage apprentice legions island x1 mirage x1 odyssey x1 8thx6 champions x2 invasion x3 7thx1 ?x5 mirrodin x3 onslaught x1 riptide laboratory onslaught dekk 4: verdant force 9th kaysa alliances fungal behemoth planar cahos gaea's anthem planar chaos F x2 baru, fist of krosa future sight gaea's anthem planar chaos x2 æther mutation apocolypse x2 sporesower thallid time spiral x4 roar of the kha mirrodin x2 nemesis mask darksteel x2 urborg elf apocolypse x2 pallid mycoderm planar chaos x2 vitaspore thallid planar chaos x2 fists of ironwood ravnica x2 sporoloth ancient future sight x2 kodama's reach champions x4 selesnya evangel ravnica x2 gaze of gorgon ravnica x2 journey of discovery mirrodin pacifism onslaught arrest mirrodinforest x2 invasion x4 mirrodin x2 mirage x1 onslaught x1 6thplain x2 champions of kamigawa x2 onslaught x6 mirrodindekk 5: hurricane 10th uktabi wildcats mirage x2 jedit ojanen of efrava planar chaos kusari-gama champions x2 rite of passage fifth dawn x2 vinelasher kudzu ravnica tribal unity onslaught strength of cedars champions alpha status scourge blanchwood armor 8th silk net u legacy x2 echoing courage darksteel x2 gaea's bounty u saga x2 monstrous growth 7th & 8th predator's strike mirrodin x2 foxfire ice age deepwood wolverine mercadian masques phantom tiger judgment penumbra bobcat apocolypse x2 lone wolf 8th lone wolf 7th x2 cave tiger u saga sandstorm mirage wyluli wolf arabian knights earthlore ice age elven rite stronghold x2 dragon fangs scourge x3 ferocious charge fifth dawn forest x1 unhinged x2 mirage x2 invasion x5 onslaught x8 mirrodin dekk 6: x4 isamaru, hound of konda champions seedborn muse 9th blinding angel nemesis blinding angel 8th x2 samite elder planeshift (1 F) x3 decree of justice scourge worship 8th worship 9th worship u saga x2 pentarch paladin time spiral x2 eight-and-a-helf-tails champions x2 beacon of immortality fifth dawn x2 breath of life revised x2 enlightened tutor mirage x3 humble u saga x2 congregation at dawn ravnica x3 eternal witness fifth dawn x2 ice floe ice age plains x10 ice age x2 snow-coveredforest x7 ice age x4 snow-coveredKjøper kan hente selv hvis ønsketSe flere gjenstander fra denne selgeren
Solgt Victoria: Empire Under the Sun PC - Helt Nytt

13 år sedan

På salg i 447 dager
Du bjuder på ett nytt PC SpelSpelbeskrivning:Guide your nation from the era of absolute monarchies of the early 19th century to evolve into a fully industrialized Great Power at the dawn of the 20th century! You must make sure that you stay ahead in wealth and strength, and skillfully manage the democratization process without disintegrating. Victoria focus on six different aspects, all interconnected, to provide a deep, yet easily accessible game-play; Diplomacy, Warfare, Economy & Industrialisation, Colonisation, Technological Development and Political Simulation.

• Victoria has a full flexible diplomatic system based on the concepts from EU1/2 and HoI, with bilateral alliances, limited colonial wars, claims over provinces, and much tied in to the concept of national prestige as the strength in diplomatic actions. Victoria also introduces a complex peace resolution system where claims can be given up, as well as trade deals and resources.
• Warfare is similar to the system in HoI with divisions of various types constituting the core of the land forces. Troop types are Militia, Colonial Troops, Regular Infantry, Elite Guards, and Cavalry. Divisions will have home provinces and cultures tied to them. Some sort of tactical decisions depending on the commander of the armies will occur. Each individual ship (frigate, man-o-war, ironclad, and dreadnought) will be named. Combat values are based on the three concepts of firepower, organisation and morale.
• The large focus in Victoria is on the industrialisation of the nations. Provinces have different amount of resources, and you can build lots of different buildings in different categories, like resource-mines, refineries, goods-manufactories, government buildings and military buildings. Resources can be shipped via convoys and rail, and/or sold to other nations on a world market. The economical development properly simulates the process of industrialisation. Supply and Demand affect prices where monopolies of certain items can lead to great wealth.
• Colonisation in Victoria is all about laying claims to the vast lands not controlled by the industrialized nations. Claims can be contested, and will sometimes lead to war. Explorers can be sent to areas to map out the white spots on the map, and will discover new resources for the empire. Colonists are moving from overpopulated countries in the old world, to the most free and prosperous colonies and new nations,
• The technology system is completely revolutionary, with its core based around the old concept of technology tree, but with the added concept of historical events giving you advances over time, depending on what you research in the technology trees.
• Victoria includes an advanced system that simulates the decisions and preferences of ideologies and parties of the people in a nation. Preferred ideologies can be tweaked by the player. Democratic nations give better economical development but low political stability, while monarchies lack the economical development but are more stable.Systemkrav:Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP • Pentium II 450MHz • 128MB RAM • 3D Video Card 4MB RAM • 600MB HD • 4X CD-Rom.Frakt 30:Forskuddsbetaling till Norskt Bank Konto
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